PBEC Secretary General Robert Lees commented, "The environment simply can't wait. Financial difficulties cannot and should not be used as a pretext to lessen our attention to environmental protection and promotion. Sound environmental practices make good business sense, and in fact, are more important, not less important, during times of financial difficulty. Our discussions here in Hong Kong have laid the groundwork for greater dialogue between business and government, and as the voice of business in the Pacific, PBEC looks forward to working closely with our government colleagues to meaningfully address pressing environmental concerns and issues."
The joint PBEC/World Bank roundtable, entitled "Economic Competitiveness and Environmental Concerns in the Asia-Pacific Region" was held September 13-15th, in Hong Kong, China, at the Island Shangri-la Hotel. Some of the issues discussed included regulatory framework, economic competitiveness, and corporate governance in East Asia. These issues are all the more important now that economic and environmental pressures have intensified and the financial crisis has shown that issues such as regulation, transparency, and competitiveness are key to East Asia's future.
A select number of senior business executives and high-ranking government officials met to exchange views on effective and transparent public-private cooperation, to establish a regional leadership network to promote continuing industry-government dialogue, and reach a consensus for future partnership actions. Issues papers were distributed as points of discussion for individual sessions, and internationally recognized moderators lead each session toward identifying action items for further discussion in reaching tangible solutions.
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