An Organization Built on Value to Members In today's increasingly competitive corporate environment, expenditures for membership dues in organizations of dubious value are simply not an option. Since its inception over 30 years ago, PBEC's constant focus has been on delivering value to its members. As the premier business organization in the Asia Pacific, membership in PBEC provides a number of important, bottom-line benefits. Business Networks, Market Intelligence
Joining PBEC, participating in PBEC meetings, and building relationships with other PBEC members provides you with the opportunity to profit from the insights and experiences of these leaders in a rare and unique way. PBEC's greatest resource -- and biggest selling point -- is its corporate members, the companies and individuals that make up PBEC. By accessing this network, PBEC membership provides you with business-relevant "market intelligence" that no corporate research staff could ever produce. PBEC provides the opportunity to gain these insights not just in formal meetings and presentations at PBEC meetings, but also over dinner conversations and on the golf course.
Speaking Out on the Issues -- A Powerful Voice to Advance Your Interests While building strong ties with other business leaders is an important benefit of PBEC membership, PBEC is also valuable as a means to influence government policy. As the independent voice of business in the Pacific, the clout and prestige of PBEC in speaking out on policy issues cannot be overstated. The strength of PBEC lays in its incredible numbers: over 1,100 corporations from 20 economies in the region, accounting for over US$4 trillion in global sales, employing over 10 million people. Given this impressive representation, it is not surprising that the PBEC viewpoint is so well respected by government and other leaders. Membership in PBEC provides you with an opportunity to speak out not only on behalf of your company, your industry, or your country alone, but on behalf of the combined international corporate clout of all of PBEC.
Once approved by the board, they carry the full weight of the entire organization and are aggressively promoted to individual governments and multilateral institutions such as APEC, WTO, and the OECD, to name a few. In the past, PBEC has been successful in seeing its recommendations favorably acted upon. Membership in PBEC provides the opportunity to advance policy issues which have tangible bottom line benefits to your business.
PBEC members comment on the tremendous educational value of these meetings, as highly interactive sessions featuring prominent speakers addressing all the key issues, provide incredible insights. With the 500 or 600 PBEC delegates, as well as the international media, who normally attend, few other organizations can provide the same opportunities to promote your corporate profile and interests and have contact with so many of the region's leaders. The First Step For information on joining PBEC, contact the appropriate member committee serving your region. You may also contact the International Secretariat in Honolulu for general inquiries, as well as to request copies of our many publications or other introductory material. |