![[ Policy Papers and Special Reports ]](graphics/policy.jpg) | | Policy Papers and Special Reports Note: A full set of all available PBEC's policy papers and special reports can be purchased at a reduced price of US$100.00 -- a 20 percent discount. For more information, contact Ryan Kawailani Ozawa at (ryan@pbec.org). Listed prices do not include shipping. |
- Implementing Free Trade and Investment in the Pacific Region
Recommendations that call upon the economies in the region to embrace a series of mutually complementary activities in a broad range of areas including investment, intellectual property, government procurement, market access for goods and services, domestic regulation and taxation, transparency, business facilitation, technology, environment, and labor.
Policy papers, 36 pp. (10 chapters plus executive summary), cardstock cover.
Price: US$25.00
- Financial Services Liberalization and Regulatory Reform in the Asia Pacific
Principles and recommendations representing the private sector's view on key steps that should be taken in improving the efficiency and stability of financial markets. Drawn from meetings with over 100 PBEC members, consumers and providers of financial services, and government officials in seven economies (Chile, Chinese Taipei, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines).
Special reports, 14 pp., cardstock cover.
Price: US$25.00
- Asia-Pacific Food markets and Trade in 2005: A Global, Economy-Wide Perspective
Commissioned by the PBEC Working Committee on Food Products in the interests of contributing to the growing debate about food supply and security in the Asia-Pacific Region, this paper draws from available studies, then provides a new set of projections for the next decade based not on a sectoral model of food markets but rather on an integrated economy-wide model of national and international markets for all products.
Special reports, 44 pp. (inc. 16 tables and graphs), cardstock cover.
Price: US$25.00
- Report on Administrative Barriers to Trade
Results of a PBEC survey study on ABT, direct, non-tariff restrictions on or problems arising from interpreting or applying trade regulations. Categories of ABT include restrictions on market access, restrictions on personnel, and transparency of regulatory information, which all indirectly prohibit or restrict trade and foreign investment. This report includes government policy recommendations for enhancing market access.
Special reports, 54 pp. (6 chapters plus 3 appendices and executive summary), cardstock cover.
Price: US$25.00
- APEC: Sharpening the Focus, Sustaining the Momentum
This report compiles the recommendations of the Eminent Persons Group, Pacific Business Forum, APEC Business Advisory Council, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council and the Pacific Basin Economic Council on trade and investment goals for APEC, including those related to investment, intellectual property, technology, environment, and labor.
Special reports, 6 pp., cardstock cover.
Price: US$25.00