![[ Dalton ]](../../exec/graphics/pic-dalton.jpg) | |
President's Posting
N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 2
You'll be seeing a new PBEC in the months to come in a campaign aimed at revitalizing our organization.
Here's what you can expect:
- The delivery of tangible member services and benefits that will include intelligence and policy reports; greater networking opportunities through smaller regional gatherings; skills workshops such as personal security assessment and media training; travel, hotel and golf discounts.
- The raising of PBEC's public profile through commercial/ad spots, and timely policy statements and appearances by PBEC representatives in the international news media.
- New Secretariat professionals will help in this push. Geraldine Green, better known as "GG," is the new Executive Assistant. She has extensive public and private sector experience, most notably as the executive assistant to the mayor of Honolulu. Rae Gee will be the Manager of Member Services, a position formerly called Assistant Programs Manager. While still assisting the Programs Manager, Rae will focus on specifically servicing member needs along with creating and enhancing member benefits. She will also be instrumental in helping develop our new "Patron" member program.
Vice President Steve Olson and I are also working very hard to maximize and develop new sources of revenue at our International Secretariat. We are rededicating ourselves to the PBEC mission - of being "the independent voice of business in the Pacific."
You'll be soon seeing a new look for our newsletter and website, as well as an enhanced membership directory. All in all, we think 2003 will be the start of new momentum for PBEC. I'm very excited about our future, and ask for your help and support.
See you in Seoul!
![[ Dalton Signature ]](../../exec/graphics/sig-dalton.jpg)