
PBEC Working Committee on E-Business

Saturday, April 7, 2001
Tokyo, Japan

Chair: Ms. Lauren Lenfest (United States) - Absent
Vice Chair: Ms. Rohana Mahmood (Malaysia)

  1. Approval of Minutes from November 11, 2000, Singapore Mid-Term Working Committee Meeting

    Minutes approved.

  2. Overview of E-Commerce Activities in the Region (including E-ASEAN)

    1. Report on E-ASEAN
      1. Material from the E-ASEAN Task Force distributed from member review.
      2. E-ASEAN Task Force has been launched; leaders agreed in November.

    2. APEC E-Commerce/Tel Working Group Activity (presented by Tommy Matsumoto from AT&T, in Lieu of Chip Barton)

  3. Proposed PBEC Statement on Facilitating SMEs in the Global Marketplace

    1. The Vice Chair empasized a need for capacity building as the committee focuses more on SMEs than larger corporations.

    2. Capacity-building activities specifically may also apply to the Philippines.

  4. PBEC E-Commerce Workplan/Activity for 2001

    1. Activities designed to broaden the profile of PBEC and to improve membership.

    2. Updates on 1 1/2 day E-Transformation seminar conducted in Singapore provided by Tim. Followups to be discusses originally at the Tokyo IGM, but now at the Shanghai Mid-Term Meeting instead.

    3. Nest Big Event: China Port Project, October 21, 2001

    4. Looking Ahead to Shanghai CEO Summit/Leaders Meeting
      1. The Committee presented a draft program and "E-Business in Action on CEO Summit Agenda."
      2. Issue: Coordination of a common time and venue for the Shanghai CEO Summit/Leaders Meeting and the Mid-Term Meeting along with the E-Business conference.
        1. How to coordinate two meetings (APEC CEO and E-Business) on October 20, the last day of the CEO Summit.
        2. Whom to target to attend the E-Business conference because the theme of the APEC CEO Summit is "New Century, New Economy."
        3. Where to conduct the E-Business conference. The objective of the conference is to maximize participation and to profile the work of the PBEC Committee. However, since the APEC CEO Summit will take place in a new area of Shanghai, there will likely be a shortage of hotel rooms. Participants of this event whoe are not participants of the APEC CEO Summit may experience difficulty in finding accomodations.

  5. Other Issues

    1. Intercommittee Cooperation (Services Component to the China Port Project)
      1. Issue: Role of government monitoring privacy in addition to the private sector. Government interference could be detrimental to global e-business.
      2. Recommendation: The Committee should consider drafting a policy statement for the Mid-Term Meeting and gather concrete examplets of the situation elsewhere.

  6. Conclusions/Next Steps

    1. Need to have a permanent member from every committee to participate in the E-Business Working Committee to achieve efficiency.

    2. Encourage independent fundraising instead of using the Special Fund. For example, how can Oracle help Malaysia, or how can Sun help Indonesia

© Copyright 2000 Pacific Basin Economic Council
Last Modified: 16 July 2001