PBEC Secretary General Meets Asian Leaders
In early September, PBEC Secretary General Robert G. Lees toured a number of Asian economies, including Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and China. Lees met with high level corporate and government leaders in order to gain insights on breaking business, economic, financial, and political developments. During the tour, Lees was joined by PBEC Chairman Dr. Helmut Sohmen.
![[ Malaysia Dinner ]](graphics/malaydin-small.jpg) |
PBEC Malaysia Chairman Tan Sri Dato Haji Basir Haji Ismail and PBEC Malaysia Director General Rohana Tan Sri Mahmood host a dinner for visiting PBEC Chairman Dr. Helmut Sohmen and Secretary General Robert G. Lees. The dinner was attended by 25 senior Malaysian business and goverment leaders. |
PBEC Chairman Dr. Helmut Sohmen and PBEC Malaysia Director General Rohana Mahmood, to his immediate right, just prior to begining of the evening's program. |
Dr. Sohmen delivers a speech at the PBEC Malaysia dinner, sharing his thoughts on the current economic situation in the region. |
![[ Singapore ]](graphics/apecsec-small.jpg) |
PBEC Secretary General Robert G. Lees together with His Excellency Ambassador Dato' Noor Adlan (center), Executive Director, APEC Secretariat, Singapore, and His Excellency Ambassador Timothy Hannah (left) Deputy Executive Director, APEC Secretariat, Singapore.
![[ Kuala Lumpur ]](graphics/helrohbob-small.jpg) |
PBEC Chairman Dr. Helmut Sohmen (center) together with PBEC Secretary General Robert G. Lees and PBEC Malaysia Director General Rohana Mahmood in Kuala Lumpur. |
![[ Lithgow Interview ]](graphics/cnbc-small.jpg) |
CNBC News Anchor Lynette Lithgow interviewed PBEC Secretary General Robert G. Lees for "The Asian Wall Street Journal Online." |
![[ Willy Wiguna ]](graphics/willy-small.jpg) ![[ PBEC Indonesia Lunch ]](graphics/indolunch-small.jpg)
PBEC Indonesia held a special business forum in Jakarta at which Director General Willy Wiguna (standing) presided. The business forum included the participation of twenty-seven senior business leaders and featured a key note speech by PBEC Secretary General Robert G. Lees. |
![[ Hamzah Haz MSc. ]](graphics/minbob-small.jpg) |
PBEC Secretary General Robert G. Lees meets with Indonesian State Minister for Investments Mr. Hamzah Haz MSc. (left) to discuss the current financial situation in Indonesia and the region. The meeting also included PBEC Indonesia Chairman Mr. Haroen Al Rasjid (right), Chairman, Board of Commissioners, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia. |
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