Tanonaka to lead business council
Dan Nakaso
Honolulu Advertiser
Friday, November 1, 2002

Dalton Tanonaka, the former Republican candidate for lieutenant governor and former television and newspaper journalist, has been named international president of the Pacific Basin Economic Council, a business organization that stretches across 20 Asia-Pacific economies.

During his run for lieutenant governor, Tanonaka pledged to exploit contacts he had made in Asia as a television journalist — contacts that he said yesterday will help in his new position.

One of Tanonaka's first jobs is to settle the issue of PBEC's home. PBEC's directors had serious discussions about moving to another country during their meeting last week in Los Cabos, Mexico — the same meeting where they named Tanonaka, 48, head of their organization.

Countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong want PBEC based in their countries, Tanonaka said, and have offered free rent and free staffing to move from Honolulu.

"They understand the value of a group like us with such an important membership ... for the benefit of their economy, as well as their regions," Tanonaka said. "So I'm hoping that the people of Hawai'i, the government of Hawai'i, our business leaders understand the importance ... and do whatever they can to keep this organization in Hawai'i."

The organization was founded in 1967 and has grown to include chief executive officers and other senior business leaders from more than 1,000 of the largest corporations in the Pacific region.

PBEC's top position had been vacant since Robert Lees resigned in 2001 as secretary-general. Lees is now the executive adviser for Asia-Pacific at KPMG Consulting Inc. and a member of the board of Hawaii National Bank.

Lisa LaBonte, president and COO of Pacific Business Forums, a for-profit Honolulu networking group, said Tanonaka's appointment allows Hawai'i to leverage his contacts in the region for the benefit of Hawai'i.

© Copyright 2001 Pacific Basin Economic Council
Last Modified: 23 April 2002