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Waves of Change @PBEC’s Aboitiz Land who’s Project Rake Leads the Cleanup Charge – Aug 2024

Project Rake uses the Surf Rake, a beach cleaning machine capable of picking up and holding 3,500 pounds of marine debris. It moves across the sand, leaving behind fine sand and a cleaner beach. The Memorandum of Understanding outlines how Aboitiz Land lends the Surf Rake to neighboring communities, eliminating the need for hand labor and saving time and money, making it a cost-efficient solution. The Surf Rake is reliable, easy to use, maintain, and environmentally friendly, making it the least intrusive mechanical beach cleaning method available.

Seafront Residences, located in San Juan, Batangas, is more than just a premium beachside development; it is home to long-term conservation efforts for the endangered pawikans, or sea turtles. Project Rake is just one of the many projects that help solidify Aboitiz Land’s commitment to innovating ways to promote enduring environmental conservation efforts, demonstrating how public-private partnerships can drive meaningful change in community sustainability.

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