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Round-table briefing on APEC-BAC Meeting outcomes YTD & Autumn/Winter 2024 priorities outlook

The Pacific Basin Economic Council is hosting a round table dialogue with experts involved in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. We are joined also by The APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) members who are appointed by APEC’s 21 member economies to represent business interests in the Asia-Pacific region. The dialogue will feature ABAC representatives from Australia, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, as well as the APEC- Asia Pacific Economic Council Int’l Secretariat Executive Director. PBEC’s Chair, Andrew Weir MBE JP will moderate the conversation, which can be attended online via Zoom or in-person in Hong Kong.

Please see the attached invitation for more details on the speakers.

When: Wed 10th July 2024 2pm to 3.30pm HK/SG/KL local time.
Where: Hybrid event: Attendees can join online via zoom or in person at,
KPMG Boardroom, 8/F Princes Building, Central, HK.

How: All attendees are required to register using this link:

PBEC Board members and corporate members have priority for attending in person.

Please message Michael Walsh directly if you plan to attend in person.

Chatham House rules apply to all PBEC round table dialogues. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments.

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