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Korea is hosting APEC for the first time in 20 years, focusing on innovation, digitalization and sustainability -Jan 2025

In 2024, APEC embarked on a journey to Peru under the theme of “Empower, Include, Grow”. Under this theme, we shared ideas on inclusive and interconnected growth, digitalization and innovation to promote formal and global economy, and sustainable growth for resilient development. These discussions culminated in the Leaders’ declaration in Lima in late November 2024.

Now, the roadshow moves across the Pacific to Korea.

Korea is holding APEC for the first time in 20 years. Last time was when the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting was held in Busan in 2005. At that time, one of the main outcomes was the Busan Roadmap to advance our top priority of promoting free trade.

As you can see, two decades ago, APEC was primarily focused on trade and investment liberalization and regional integration. They are still pursuing these goals, but APEC’s agenda has become much broader.

New challenges such as climate change and the development of technology are calling for collective response from APEC economies. It was against this backdrop that the Putrajaya Vision 2040 expanded APEC’s focus beyond traditional trade and investment to include innovation, digitalization, and sustainable and inclusive growth as the main drivers of economic growth.

With this in mind, Korea selected “Building a Sustainable Tomorrow: Connect, Innovate, Prosper” as the theme and priorities for APEC 2025. The theme “Building a Sustainable Tomorrow” reflects the aspiration of realizing an open, dynamic, resilient, and peaceful Asia-Pacific region as envisioned in the Putrajaya Vision, in the near future.

We all know that such a future should be ‘sustainable.’ Korea will endeavor to realize this vision by pursuing three main policy priorities: Connect, Innovate, and Prosper.

Read Full article Here:–apec-returns-to-korea-after-20-years

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