The ocean covers the majority of our planet’s surface, holding 97% of all water and 80% of all life forms. Major ocean sectors such as tourism, shipping, fishing, aquaculture and marine renewable energy collectively contribute to a ‘blue’ economy, estimated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) at a global gross value added of USD 1.5trn in 2010. This blue economy has been projected to increase to USD 3trn by 2030, with some ocean industries set to grow…
By: Rick Rowan CEO & Founder of NuroKor BioElectronics The past 12 months have been a challenging and uncertain time for all industries – none more so than the healthcare sector. And with England now in its third national lockdown and with the pandemic resulting in unrelenting strain on the National Health System (NHS), healthcare professionals are turning to innovation to ease the burden. The need for advances in technology to tackle the challenges impacting hospital and community care, is…
Written By: Gilles komi Maglo CEO & Founder of MES & DAK The Fintech firm for MSME’s development Gilles komi MAGLO – A jazz Pianist and Entrepreneur– one might assume that this is a rather unconventional combination. But, according to Gilles, when it comes to music and leading a business, there is a difference in what I do, but not in how I do it. In both roles, I share the same traits: discipline, resilience, a strong eagerness to learn…
By Nicole Downer Managing Partner MV Credit Partners LLC Navigating Choppy Waters After working through an incredibly eventful year in the global economy, investors in private credit benefitted from the stable and consistent yields expected of the asset class. That was welcomed by investors, who went through a rollercoaster in the public markets. Private credit has grown from being specialist and niche asset class to a more established component of a diversified investment portfolio, from a sub $100bn asset class…
By Brad Lamensdorf of Active Alts Recently, SPACs, or the Special Purpose Acquisition Company segment of the stock market has grabbed a lot of attention from the media and investing public. The popularity of SPACs has transcended traditional operators and extended into hedge funds, sport stars, movie stars, and even civil rights activists, seeking to stake their claim to an ever-growing piece of the SPAC pie. Whenever a corner of the stock market captures the public’s attention to such a…
Click here to download the slide deck What are the priorities to ensure the region’s fast, sustainable and inclusive economic recovery from the crisis? Explore PBEC’s partner OECD’s latest and upcoming work in the region on competition, investment, SMEs and much more. Fostering Competition in ASEAN Efficient logistics can play a significant role in increasing a country’s economic development by facilitating international trade and improving its competitiveness. The Fostering Competition in ASEAN project reviews regulatory constraints on competition in all…
It’s a pleasure to have been asked to share my thoughts on the outlook for Fine Wine Investment in 2021. I do hope you enjoy reading this research, and find it enjoyable, interesting and perhaps above all though-provoking… Fine wine investments are on firm footing for the year ahead. A stable track record and growing geographic diversity form the basis of our positive outlook despite the challenging global backdrop as we head into 2021. The past year underscored that fine…
APEC economies have developed a strong foundation to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, but more needs to be done to enhance their resiliency in global value chains, according to a recent policy brief by the APEC Policy Support Unit. The policy brief, titled Managing Risks in Global Value Chains, analyzes the ability of the APEC region and its peer international groupings to respond to disruptions and to quickly return to normal operations. Using a value chain strength index, the policy brief…
In this latest PBEC zoom interview, Avealto founders Walt Anderson and David Chambers discuss High Altitude Platform (HAPs), and share Avealto Insights and development updates with PBEC Moderator Renee Pan. Catering to our Chinese speaking audience as well with some dual translation available. WALT ANDERSON, FOUNDER & CEO AVEALTO UK 25+ years of experience in creating fast growing successful organizations. A serial entrepreneur who has generated US$2.1 billion in shareholder value over his career. Founder of Esprit Telecom PLC, the…
Issued by the Minister Policy Dialogue on Food Security Agriculture and food ministers and senior representatives from APEC’s 21 member economies pressed for stronger cooperation and open and predictable trade regimes to ensure global food systems remain accessible, innovative, reliable, resilient, accessible and sustainable. “It is of utmost importance for APEC members to work together to enable the flow of essential goods, including agriculture and food products, across borders and to enhance our collective resilience to food supply disruptions,” said Datuk…