
APEC Thailand image

: APEC session to focus on Carbon Credits & Carbon Tax

The carbon tax and carbon credit markets will be major topics of discussion at the finance ministers’ meeting at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit in Thailand this year, says Fiscal Policy Office adviser Warotai Kosolpisitkul. The Apec finance ministers’ meeting is scheduled before the leaders’ meeting. The two themes of the finance ministers’ meeting are sustainable finance and the digital economy, Mr Warotai said. Read More

: Achieving Equitable Supply Chain Transparency

A PBEC hosted webinar bringing together experts and commentators in their respective fields on regional Supply Chain Transparency in the Asia Pacific. We assembled an expert panel of academics and senior executives to this dialogue discussion on supply chain transparency and traceability. We hear some invaluable insights, takeaways and latest trends in supply chain relocation data provided by Professor Neale O’Connor. Anson Bailey of KPMG moderates and extracts recommendations from each of the panellists. We witnessed a lot of probing…

PBEC Webinar -Supply Chain Transparency

: PBEC Webinar – Achieving Equitable Supply Chain Transparency

You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jan 20, 2022 11:00 AM to 12:15PM Hong Kong SAR Topic: Achieving Equitable Supply Chain Transparency  Please register in advance for this webinar: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. ‘What are the challenges and priorities in 2022 to keep supplying and delivering, including emission reduction pressures?’ A PBEC hosted webinar led by our moderator Anson Bailey, who is bringing together experts and commentators…

: Ardern letter stored in Apec ‘time capsule’ for 20 years

An Apec-branded Covid face mask, a handwritten letter from Jacinda Ardern to a future NZ Prime Minister and even a copy of the Herald’s Apec 2021 supplement are among items being tucked away within a time capsule which will be “unearthed” when New Zealand next hosts Apec. In her letter to a future prime minister, Ardern expresses her hope – for the sake of everyone – “that you don’t find yourself hosting in the middle of a pandemic!” “May your…

: U.S. senators call for considering digital trade agreement through APEC

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on Friday called for pursuing through a forum of Pacific Rim economies the possibility of a digital trade agreement, amid concerns that the United States may be falling behind China in taking the lead in writing key trade rules in the region. “We write to urge you to utilize and work with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) … to encourage strong outcomes” in the next leaders’ meeting, Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, chairman of…


: Natalie Chung Sum Yue confirmed to speak at PBEC Virtual Week

PBEC – Pacific Basin Economic Council is excited to announce its keynote speaker who will kick-off our wonderful week of live roundtable dialogues consisting of 53+ Expert speakers, under this years theme ‘Striving Forward in Asia Pacific,’ on Mon 22nd November at 1000L HK Time.  Join us for FREE, as we debate & share leading experts insights and future outlook for the Asia Pacific region on a number of key topics, during our upcoming Live Dialogues Week 22-26th November 2021. Natalie Chung…

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: AusPECC upcoming Webinar – Next Steps in Sustainable Finance in Australia & Globally

AusPECC  Webinar – Next Steps in Sustainable Finance in Australia & Globally  18 October at 2:00pm AEDT |11:00am SGT/HKG | 4:00pm NZDT. This webinar will bring together three Australian experts to discuss sustainable finance with a specific focus on exploring the next steps for Australia and the international community. Following the speakers presentations there will be a Q&A session moderated by AusPECC Chair, Dr Gordon de Brouwer, where attendees are encouraged to engage with the speakers and submit questions for…

: CTPECC invitation: The 36th Pacific Economic Community Seminar

The Pacific Basin Economic Council is a valued Standing Committee Member of PECC – Pacific Economic Co-operation Council and I wish to invite its members to attend and participate in an upcoming live virtual all-day event via webex, hosted by the Chinese Taipei CTPECC. The Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC) will be holding its 36th Pacific Economic Community Seminar Webex Meeting on 14 October 2021, 09.45am-05.00pm HKG/PEK/TPE Local Time. The theme of this year’s Seminar is “Economic Transformation…

PBEC Event Banner Virtual Week

: PBEC Virtual Live Week – “Striving Forward in Asia Pacific”

I am pleased to announce PBEC will host its inaugural Virtual Live Week – “Striving Forward in Asia Pacific” from November 22-26th 2021 ahead of this year’s Horasis Asia Meeting. As preparations continue for our inaugural Virtual Week of dialogues, I hope many of you here will be able to join us and engage in the multiple live virtual dialogues being made available free of charge. More details will soon follow. We are gathering PBEC’s network of business leaders, entrepreneurs,…


: PBEC is now a Corporate Member of ESBN -ESCAP Business Sustainable Network – 1st September 2021

      The PBEC – Pacific Basin Economic Council, is delighted to announce it has been accepted as a full Corporate member of the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) with immediate effect. PBEC has always supported and worked in close partnership with the ESBN under a MoU for many years. Several of PBEC’s members and board of directors are affiliated or are long-standing committee members themselves of ESBN as a net result of co-operation. So when ESBN recently changed…