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: PBEC CEO Meets with APEC China Business Council

PBEC CEO Michael Walsh visited APEC China Business Council offices in Beijing with International IP Commercialization Council, Hong Kong Chapter Johnson K. & Board Member Diana Chou Meeting was a general discussion on regional updates and mutual cooperation plans for delegations ahead of APEC 2020 in Malaysia. A positive dialogue and lots of good actions to come from the deep relationship.


: PBEC Board of Director makes a play in South China Morning Post

PBEC – Pacific Basin Economic Council Board of Director Sebastian Man makes a play in this weekend’s South China Morning Post SCMP – opinion piece for Beijing to broker a deal with property developers to resolve the housing crisis in Hong Kong.


: PBEC’s Director Michael Walsh in attendance for Belt and Road Summit

PBEC – Pacific Basin Economic Council’s very own Director, Michael Walsh was in attendance for this year’s Belt and Road Summit. A big thank you to The Hong Kong Trade Development Council and The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for organizing this. It was a fruitful two days exchanging insights and exploring business opportunities with senior government officials and global business leaders. PBEC’s Chairman, Andrew Weir was also there to speak on the subject of geopolitical risks….


: Global economy faces sharp slowdown

With the trade war between China and the US still raging on, the global economy continues to be the primary victim, facing a slowdown and affecting the rest of the world. However, some countries are doing their best to face the challenges posed ahead. One of these countries being Brazil. Roberto Campos Neto remains optimistic that Brazil’s economy will improve in the second half. It will be interesting to see if what Campos Neto says will come true and whether…