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: Asia-Pacific economies to largely see steady growth in 2022

  Weaker growth in China owing to stringent COVID-19 restrictions and an increase in US interest rates could dampen the region’s economic growth prospects for the remainder of the year July 2022 Louis Kuijs Asia-Pacific Chief Economist at S&P Global An aerial view of Tanjung Priok industrial port in North Jakarta. Photo by Shutterstock. With the exception of China, Asia-Pacific is breathing easier than the rest of the world. Global obstacles have altered the outlook in the past three months….

: Week in China – Column 9

By Steven Irvine – Founder, CEO & Editor ‘Week in China’ ECONOMY, TALKING POINT Greener pastures Chinese firms look for new growth in ‘Going Overseas’ trend July, 2022 (WiC 591) Shein, the Chinese app popular with clothes shoppers overseas After launching the open-door policies and economic reforms of the late 1970s, Chinese policymakers made inward foreign investment the first priority for their economy. With China’s accession to the World Trade Organisation in 2001, ‘Going Out’ then started to become more of an…

Adrien - profile picture

: PBEC New Member this month – Adrien Chazottes, Managing Partner, Jet 8

Adrien has been living in Asia since 2004, where he has been developing the Private and Business Aviation sectors for the major part of the past two decades. After working for a large private operator and selling business jets for Hawker-Beechcraft and then Bombardier across the region and globally, he founded Jet 8 in 2018 to provide tailor made private aviation solutions to clients in the Asia Pacific region. A true entrepreneur in his designated field of expertise with a…

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: Investment Opportunity: Sponsored Content- Super Six Racing – ‘Global Team Horse Racing (GTH)’

  Super Six Racing has spent over five years developing and extensively testing and trialing a new team-based horse racing format. The result is a new fast paced, thrilling spectator sport that stands out in the modern sporting arena. Operating under the brand name ‘Global Team Horse Racing (GTH)’, it is a gamechanger, transforming the most traditional of sports into a dynamic sporting entertainment for the whole family. GTH LIVE transforms the racing format without losing the essence of the…

PECC Publication-SOTR State of the Region Report Cover sheet image

: PECC State of the Region Report 2021-2022

The Caveat that this was based on business sentiment prior to Russia/Ukraine conflict erupted in Feb of 2022, but still covers some interesting trends, initiatives and actions which remain relevant and even more urgent given this event, inflationary woes and ongoing supply chain disruption. A key takeaway from this report is that the regional policy community is optimistic about the prospects for growth over the next 12 months which may well now be tempered given the sudden shock of a…

: PBEC Trade Report July 2022

Issue: 022: July 2022 ANZAC EYES ON FRANCE: Australia and NZ face new political dynamics in France as they pursue FTAs with the EU after the success of protectionist parties in last week’s parliamentary elections. Prime Ministers Albanese and Ardern are meeting President Macron and EU President von der Leyen respectively this week. WTO REPORTS BOOST IN SERVICES TRADE: The WTO has reported a continued recovery in global services trade despite the Ukraine conflict. Its latest index reading of 105.5…

: WTO members secure unprecedented package of trade outcomes at MC12

WTO members successfully concluded the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in Geneva on 17 June, securing multilaterally negotiated outcomes on a series of key trade initiatives. The “Geneva Package” confirms the historical importance of the multilateral trading system and underlines the important role of the WTO in addressing the world’s most pressing issues, especially at a time when global solutions are critical. The package adopted by members include: a package on WTO response to emergencies, comprising: a Ministerial Declaration on the…

: Urban-Air Port CEO & Founder Ricky Sandhu provides a recap video of the successful 3 week exhibition in Coventry, U.K. of its Air One product.

Exactly two months ago Urban-Air Port launched Air One to the world. For 3 weeks in #Coventry City Centre #UK, Urban-Air Port  hosted the AAM industry and for the first time the AAM consumer, showcasing the future of #infrastructure for the #advancedairmobility industry. After 15,000 visitors (including the press, 200 school children & university students, and attendees for closed door events); 1000 pieces of media coverage; 100 successful drone flights; 20 private events featuring world class catering; 1 fine dining experience and 1 maiden flight of a 23yr…

: Imperial experts debate AI, cryptocurrency and sustainability at Davos Fringe

by Laura Singleton June 2022 The need for greater transparency, inclusiveness and ethics around AI was among the topics discussed at a Davos event hosted by the Business School. AI is evolving and is increasingly used as a tool for collaboration. Experts at the event, which coincided with the World Economics Forum, agreed that  it is important to be transparent whilst the industry is progressing rather than “getting everything right” privately. AI also needs to evolve with the changing demands and…