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Press Release: Natalie Chung CESGA PBEC’s Sustainability and Climate Change Ambassador announces HK Govt appointment

“I am honoured and humbled to have been appointed by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong to serve on the Council for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development, effective May 1, 2023, for a term of two years.” Stated Natalie Chung on her Linkedin official page this past week.

She went on to say, “recognising the gravity of the task at hand, which is to define a roadmap and implementation plan for Hong Kong to achieve our 2050 carbon neutrality target, I am committed to working diligently with the diverse range of experienced members at the Council to achieve this important goal.

As a member of the Council, I am eager to serve as a bridge between the Council and the community, particularly our younger generation, to foster effective communication and inspire collective action towards a more sustainable future. In particular, I wish to contribute my experience of experiential environmental and climate education for advancing the agenda of mainstreaming environmental education, which is a Sensitive Intervention Point for triggering outsized impact on decarbonisation.”

The full PR link published by the HK Govt can be found here:

If you have any thoughts or ideas on how we can accelerate carbon neutrality for Hong Kong, please reach out to Natalie or me anytime at


As we all know, collaboration and innovation pave the way forward for a greener and more resilient future!

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