This PBEC Podcast episode of ‘The Value Prop – APAC Investing’ focuses on a recording from one of our 1:1 Dialogue fireside chat sessions at our recent PBEC Annual Dialogues Summit on the latest from Vietnam’s economic outlook, discussing some of its recent documented successes, latest opportunities and new challenges/risks to factor in. Overall, it’s a pretty bully outlook from two of its leading commentators in Warrick Klein Chairman of KPMG Vietnam and Michael Kokalari Chief Economist from Vina Capital in Ho Chi Minh City.
(**Apologies in advance for the sound quality when Michael is speaking on occasion),
I recommend listening via a headset or earphones in a quiet place, but it is well worth the effort to listen too and learn of some of his key points which Warrick followed up on. “Vietnam alongside India is likely the most exciting countries in the world right now to be a part of, as they both realise their own economic potential, with a golden demographic period, where there are more young people in work in the respective country earning, than there are elderly people that require social support in the same country. Interestingly, this also creates exciting domestic consumption opportunities for manufacturers who are considering relocating resources, factories and capacity away from China. Enjoy!
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