I sat down with David Armitage President & CEO of Velocity Solutions, where we discussed his career choices and path that got him to launch Velocity in 1996 and the challenges and opportunities, he see’s with the whole Covid-19 economic impact. In particular, the increasing importance places on data breach risk and cyber security. Being a stout and proud Canadian, we also touched upon Canada trade relations with the rest of APAC in the wake of recent trade tensions with its closest neighbour the US as well as the ongoing domestic political landscape that challenges Canada right now too.
MP4 visual recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/59RQIK6o8H5IQ7PdzBnNYvEPHYD4eaa8hiId-fpfyxwEidRLBmbnRXmreV_zsIkn?startTime=1589175139000
Audio file recording: https://soundcloud.com/pbec-org/interview-with-velocity-solutions-chairman-founder-david-armitage